Fire is the essential element of many festivals and celebrations that are cultural heritage in Spain. Good examples of this are the Fallas, Correfocs, San Antón bonfires, San Juan bonfires and many other festivals that take place to celebrate the spring equinox and summer solstice in our country.
And it is above all in the Mediterranean where the celebration goes hand in hand with the playful fire (firecrackers and pyrotechnic shows), rising as the essential symbol of the celebration.
Fire scares us and at the same time it attracts us. The great festivals always end and begin with fire, because it has a strong symbolism and great beauty.
To avoid possible damage and accidents, it is essential to be adequately protected from fire. Fortunately, awareness of prevention has spread and custom and practice have led to greater safety, resulting in a significant decrease in both the number of cases and their severity. But whatever is done in terms of safety is necessary, welcome and a priority.
In Textil Batavia we have a wide offer in fireproof fabrics for protection against fire, fire extinction and technical clothing.