In Textil Batavia we bet for the continuous improvement of the fabrics we offer, and for that reason we have extended our certification Bs1-d0 (Euroclasses) with the mark CE, of the European Community.
What is Bs1d0 certification? We explain it to you with a simple table:
First of all, the Standard we must comply with is EN 13501-1 (European Norm). This standard refers to the propagation of flame in fabrics intended for wall cladding and those intended to be tensioned for ceilings.
What does the classification Bs1d0 mean?
B->We have a fabric with a very limited contribution to fire, i.e. when it burns it feeds practically nothing to the fire.
s1 -> The fabric has a low smoke production.
d0 -> When the fabric burns, there are no drops or particles that may fall on other elements.
For this reason, a fabric with this qualification is ideal for public spaces, that is, spaces through which many people will pass (theatres, museums, events, auditoriums, congress halls…), where the ceilings and walls are clad with decorative elements.
The CE marking guarantees that the product complies with the minimum legal requirements. It is an indication of conformity with the established minimum standards, and therefore a sign of quality.