Since 1755, as silk craftsmen located in the historic center of the city of Valencia, we have spun, woven, dyed, finished, marketed and distributed very different qualities of fabrics. Van 9 generations. Always attentive to the needs of customers, the evolution of textile technology, and new trends.
In recent years Textil Batavia has experienced a strong expansion outside Spain, and even from Europe, as a result of our efforts to satisfy external demands as well as the loyalty of our customers who have helped us get to where we are today.
At present, Textil Batavia, without abandoning the traditional sectors, we have been investing in: research, development and innovation (R+D+i), giving rise to our specialisation in technical textiles, and more specifically in flame-retardant and acoustic fabrics.
Our raison d’être is based on: continuous improvement, know-how accumulated over more than 250 years and the work of our professional team, versatile and qualified, with the aim of offering a wide variety of fabrics with the best quality of the market always at competitive prices.
Code of Ethics
- Textil Batavia does not employ anyone who is under the legal age.
- No one is discriminated against on the basis of race, physical disability, age, religion, nationality or sex.
- The physical and psychological dignity of our workers is respected, promoting their freedom and autonomy and increasing equal opportunities in the community.
- No physical, sexual, psychological or verbal abuse is permitted.
- We apply Human Resources policies to promote a good work climate and respect within the company, thanking for constructive criticism and joint growth.
- We exercise responsible advertising and are committed to complying with laws and relations with official institutions.
- Our fabrics are free of harmful substances, azo dyes, etc., complying with REACH regulations.
- We require our suppliers to be OEKOTEX STANDARD certified.
- We are committed to offering excellence and quality in all our products, in addition to ensuring that there is no risk to health or safety as each of the fabrics have the corresponding certificates.
- At Batavia we are committed to collaborating with the local, national and international communities in which our business is developed.
In Textil Batavia we apply and commit ourselves to continue carrying out the 3Rs (or 3Rs of ecology), the ecological proposal of Greenpeace:
We reuse
We reuse boxes and old filing cabinets to store and store items or samples. For internal documentation of the informal company we use both sides of printed sheets.
Textil Batavia is fully committed to reusing all available material in order to respect the environment as much as possible.
We reduce
We reduce electricity consumption thanks to the installation of solar panels on the roof of our facilities. Our location and infrastructures facilitate the reduction of the consumption of air conditioning, for the good maintenance of the temperature inside the offices and warehouse. We minimize the use of paper, both printed and work support, we work with computer support. In addition, we reduce energy losses thanks to the disconnection of electrical appliances in stand by outside working hours. We optimize our routes and delivery schedule, with the aim of reducing CO2 or greenhouse gases. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator
We recycle fabrics that are in poor condition or with special tarasen containers for it.
100% of Textil Batavia’s paper and cardboard is recycled weekly.
The plastic generated by the company and the wood in disuse is recycled in the corresponding container of the Ecoparque de Bétera.
We constantly give a second chance to the material and waste generated by the company, with the aim that the environmental impact is minimal, at the same time as optimal for the company.